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Breaking Point

What happens when you’ve reached the end of your rope of tolerance?

What do you do next?

How do you survive the moment?

What is the thing in the moment that makes you want to break?

Lesson: The thing is if you’re living life outside of comfort and/or striving for a better tomorrow, a breaking point is inevitable.

I believe the breaking point occurs when you lose all hope in the now…lose all hope in the ability to endure in the current circumstances.

Well, if I am honest, this is where I am at. I desperately want to save money so that I can purchase a home and/or condo? For what though? What am I truly trying to obtain? Am I trying to earn more money while saving for a home at the same time? If so, what is the plan to do so without such a sacrifice of one’s mental and emotional health.

I, through the grace of God have accomplished so much and have grown into a woman that I truly don’t even recognize at times. Could it be that what is truly occurring…is me attempting to obtain what I deem as a best next step or another achievement at INOPPORTUNE TIME? What is really happening here? Is this a circumstance to push me to be better or is this a circumstance to settle in a feasible plan B in order to push towards plan A at the right time?

The reality is, I lost something and probably never properly grieved over my loss. I lost my home, my comfort and my control when I decided to move across the country in the middle of a global pandemic. I lost things that I’d held onto for years because I worked so hard and spent so foolishly obtaining those things. While I may have loss, it is important to reboot, bounce back and gain again. As such, it is now time to gain and get to a place of peace where I can prepare to live greater and better than before.

Lesson: You must pause from time to time to grieve what you once had, reflect on what is important, and plan for what’s next based upon the abovementioned.

As such, I started to buy items for my new residence as IT DOES NOT MATTER whether it is rented or owned. The reality is I have done well. A few months ago, I moved from the place I called home. The place where my support system pushed me to ME...and I did all of this, in the MIDDLE of a PANDEMIC! I’ve sacrificed. I’ve lived in a room, I’ve shared a bathroom, I’ve cleaned up other people’s messes but now it is time to live for Me.

Lesson: On the other side of the breaking point is a new person with a new understanding, which includes new goals and new perspectives.

It is the new hope and a refined vision that puts me on track for the opportune time that is right for me. Not my plan A, not my Plan B, just God’s plan which is the best plan. Thank you BREAKING POINT! Without you, there is no way that I could have received my BREAKTHROUGH.

Lessons in Being me and Becoming me— all at the same time

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